
Kristin Meekhof, LMSW

kristinmeekhofKristin Meekhof is a speaker, writer and author of the book, A Widow’s Guide to Healing (with cover blurbs from her friend Deepak Chopra, MD and Maria Shriver- Sourcebooks, 2015). Kristin is also a contributor to the Live Happy book (HarperElixir, 2016). She is a  licensed master’s level social worker, obtained her B.A. from Kalamazoo College, and completed the M.S.W. program at the University of Michigan. Recently, Kristin was invited to the United Nations to attend the CSW60 conference where she introduced Lord Loomba.  She can be reached via her website.  Kristin is also a regular contributor to Huffington Post, ESME, Intent and Psychology Today.

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