
SarahJoy Marsh

sarahjoySarahjoy Marsh, MA, E-RYT 500, certified yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and author, is a vibrant, compassionate catalyst for transformation. Clear-hearted and sensitive toward those that suffer from addictions – in particulardisordered eating patterns and body image issues, and for those living with anxiety, depression, and trauma, Sarahjoy ignites a person’s confidence in themselves as capable of traversing the challenges and joys of awakening from suffering. Through her work with addiction and recovery, as well as her decades of commitment to working with those whose lives have been impacted by marginalization (poverty, prejudice, lack of access to resources such as education, health care, or mental health support), she has created an accessible library of tools that develop the life skills people need to re-create health (both physical and mental); to internalize their sense of worth, belonging, and capacity; and to thrive emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.

While fundamentally informed by the teachings of yoga, Sarahjoy also masterfully integrates her training in Western therapy and mental health, interpersonal counseling, neurobiology, reciprocal muscle inhibition, and kinesiology. She has an unwavering belief in people’s innate goodness and their capacity to re-awaken to their potential.

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Hunger, Hope + Healing: Yoga to Reclaim Your Life

As the holidays approach, many of us will feel challenged by food, social events, celebrations or obligations. The media entices us to over-indulge while telling us to lose weight before important holiday parties. New Year’s Resolutions lure us to postpone self-care until “after the holidays”. Sarahjoy would like to support you to experience this holiday as self-nurturing, not self-denying, nor self-abandoning, nor self-punitive. In this free gift she shares a chapter from her book, 3 Holiday resources, and her recipe for a simple blood-sugar balancing, brain-nourishing, metabolism-kind beverage.



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